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/Разное/Кубик Рубика/LPELL2

Easy to learn LPEPLL

Внезапно догадался использовать зеркальные варианты алгоритмов, описанных тут. Это несколько уменьшает количество ходов (но в некоторых случаях добавляется поворот куба как целого). Собственно, вот:

		"Right" cases

Preliminary notes:
   "Correct" edges color order is that
   if one is going around up (e.g. yellow)
   side counter clockwise

Initial position:
   Last F2L slot is @ FDR/FR
   Last (properly connected) pair is @ FUL/FU

Shortcut notions for edges:
   x = FR, R = UR, L = UL, B = UB


R0. If x-R colors are opposite
    Do inverse sexy move
    U R U'R' -> 
       case R2 (8 HTM total)
    or case R3 (11 HTM total)

    Now determine color order of x->R edges
    and color order of B->L edges
     first letter - order of x->R edges,
     second letter - order of B->L edges.
     Y - correct, N - incorrect

R1. NY:  R U'R'
    Just put the pair into it's slot
    // 3 HTM

R2. NN:  U, R U2 R'
    Move the pair to UBL/UL,
    then put it into the slot
    // 4 HTM

R3. YY:  R U'R', [u], L'U'L, U', L'U2 L
    Put the pair into the slot,
    rotate the whole cube around
    vertical axis clockwise,
    push the pair out of the slot,
    move it to UBR/UR position,
    put it into the slot
    // 10 HTM

R4. YN:  R U R'U' -> case R3
    Do sexy move  -> case R3
    // 14 HTM


 a. Imagine that x (i.e. FR) is at FU
 b. Color order recognition.
    Actually there is no need 
    to look at back side of the cube
    to determine color order of B->L edges.
    Do that like this. Look at x->R and determine
    color order of these edges (correct-incorrect).
    Now look at L - if x and L colors
    are adjacent then the order of B->L
    edges is the same as the order
    of x->R edges, otherwise - not.
    Adjacent - same, opposite - not same

 c. If you encounter case R0
    then (after U R U'R') there is no need 
    to determine color order of B->L edges: 
    it is always the same as the order of
    x->R edges.

		"Left" (mirror) cases

Preliminary notes:
   "Correct" edges color order is that
   if one is going around up (e.g. yellow)
   side clockwise

Initial position:
   Last F2L slot is @ FDL/FL
   Last (properly connected) pair is @ FUR/FU

Shortcut notions for edges:
   x = FL, L = UL, R = UR, B = UB


L0. If x-L colors are opposite
    Do mirrored inverse sexy move
    U'L'U L -> case L2 () or L3

   Now determine color order of x->L edges
   and color order of B->R edges
     first letter - order of x->L edges,
     second letter - order of B->R edges.
     Y - correct, N - incorrect

L1. NY:  L'U L
    Just put the pair into it's slot

L2. NN:  U', L'U2 L
    Move the pair to UBR/UR,
    then put it into the slot

L3. YY:  L'U L, [u'], R U R', U, R U2 R'
    Put the pair into the slot,
    rotate the whole cube around
    vertical axis counter clockwise,
    push the pair out of the slot,
    move it to UBL/UL position,
    put it into the slot

L4. YN:  L'U'L U-> case L3
    Do mirrored sexy move -> case L3


 a. Imagine that x (i.e. FL) is at FU

 b. Color order recognition.
    Actually there is no need 
    to look at back side of the cube
    to determine color order of B->R edges.
    Do that like this. Look at x->L and determine
    color order of these edges (correct-incorrect).
    Now look at R - if x and R colors
    are adjacent then the order of B->R
    edges is the same as the order
    of x->L edges, otherwise - not.
    Adjacent - same, opposite - not same

 c. If you encounter case L0 then (after U'L'U L)
    there is no need to determine
    color order of B->R edges: it is
    always the same as the order of
    x->L edges.

Минимальное число ходов - 3 HTM
максимальное - 14 HTM
среднее - 8.3 HTM

Дата последней модификации: 2012-12-20

/Разное/Кубик Рубика/LPELL2

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