Preliminary notes: "Correct" edges color order is that if one is going around up (e.g. yellow) face counter clockwise. For "standart" cube it is green-orange-blue-red-green.. Initial position: Last F2L slot is @ FDR/FR Last (properly connected) pair is @ FUL/FU (i.e. we are about to put the pair into it's slot using R U'R') Shortcut notions for edges' positions: x = FR, R = UR, L = UL, B = UB CASES: A. x-R colors are adjacent Determine color order of x->R edges and color order of B->L edges Tip: actually there is no need to look at back face of the cube to determine color order of B->L edges. Just look at L - if x and L colors are adjacent then the order of B->L edges is the same as the order of x->R edges, otherwise - not. Four cases are possible: (first letter - order of x->R edges, second letter - order of B->L edges. Y - correct, N - incorrect) R1. NY: R U'R' Just put the pair into it's slot 3 HTM R2. NN: U, R U2' R' Move the pair to UBL/UL, then put it into the slot 4 HTM R3. YY: R U'R', [u], L'U'L, U', L'U2 L Put the pair into the slot, rotate the whole cube by 90° (quarter turn, π/4, whatever units u like...) around vertical axis clockwise, push the pair out of the slot, move it to UBR/UR position, put it back into the slot 10 HTM R4. YN: U, R U2' R2' U' R, U', R' U2 R Move the pair to UBL/UL, put it into the slot and push DBR/BR pair out of it's slot, move the latter into UFL/UL position, finally put it back into the slot 10 HTM B. x-R colors are opposite Determine color order of L->x edges Two cases are possible: R5. Correct U R U'R' -> case R2 8 HTM total or R U R'U' -> case R1 7 HTM total R6. Incorrect R U' R2' U' R, U', R' U2 R Put the pair into the slot and push DBR/BR pair out of it's slot, move the latter pair into UFL/UL position, finally put it back into the slot 9 HTM Min moves: 3 Max moves: 10 Avg moves: ~7.2 (not counting possible trailing AUF) General tip: DO NOT grind at the "algorithms" above! Try to understand them. One needs to memorize what (e.g. "push a pair out of a slot...") has to be done (and in what order) but not how to do it exactly (e.g. "L'U'L...").
Preliminary notes: "Correct" edges color order is that if one is going around up (e.g. yellow) face clockwise. For "standart" cube it is green-red-blue-orange-green.. Initial position: Last F2L slot is @ FDL/FL Last (properly connected) pair is @ FUR/FU (i.e. we are about to put the pair into it's slot using L'U L) Shortcut notions for edges' positions: x = FL, L = UL, R = UR, B = UB CASES: A. x-L colors are adjacent Determine color order of x->L edges and color order of B->R edges Tip: actually there is no need to look at back face of the cube to determine color order of B->R edges. Just look at R - if x and R colors are adjacent then the order of B->R edges is the same as the order of x->L edges, otherwise - not. Four cases are possible: (first letter - order of x->L edges, second letter - order of B->R edges. Y - correct, N - incorrect) L1. NY: L'U L (or r' U r) Just put the pair into it's slot L2. NN: U', L' U2 L Move the pair to UBR/UR, then put it into the slot L3. YY: L'U L, [u'], R U R', U, R U2 R' Put the pair into the slot, rotate the whole cube by 90° (quarter turn, π/4, whatever units u like...) around vertical axis counter-clockwise, push the pair out of the slot, move it to UBL/UL position, put it back into the slot L4. YN: U', L' U2' L2' U L', U, L U2' L' Move the pair to UBR/UR, put it into the slot and push DBL/BL pair out of it's slot, move the latter into UFR/UR position, finally put it back into the slot B. x-L colors are opposite Determine color order of R->x edges L5. Correct U' L' U L -> case L2 8 HTM total or L'U' L U -> case L1 7 HTM total L6. Incorrect L' U L2 U L', U, L U2' L' Put the pair into the slot and push DBL/BL pair out of it's slot, move the latter pair into UFR/UR position, finally put it back into the slot 9 HTM
Дата последней модификации: 2013-07-17